
Self Employed Program

This Canadian immigration Self-Employed Program is designed to attract those applicants who intend and are able to become self-employed in Canada. Self-employed persons who intend to live in Quebec are not eligible under this program and should apply under the Quebec Self-Employed Program.

To qualify for this program, applicants must have the relevant experience, intention and ability to either:

  • make a significant contribution to the cultural or sporting life in Canada as artisans or as athletes at an international level; or
  • purchase and manage a farm in Canada.

The Self-employed Persons Program allows you to immigrate to Canada permanently on a relevant experience in cultural activities or athletics and an intent to contribute to the cultural and athletic life of Canada. The eligible occupations fall under NOC group 51 and NOC group 52.

An individual needs to be self employed in an eligible occupation, or, involved in an eligible occupation at a world class level or both.

The minimum experience criteria for both categories is two 1- year periods of full time work within the last 5 years from the date of application. However, every additional year of experience can help get you more points to qualify amongst the top candidates.

A candidate under this category needs to demonstrate that he will continue his cultural/athletic activities to self support in Canada and make an economic contribution to the activity.

The intent to establish the activity in Canada can be demonstrated through business plans, partners, exploratory visits and funds to support such activities.

In addition, other selection criteria such as your education, age, English and/or French language abilities and adaptability along with medical examination and police clearances are also assessed while making the final decision on your application.

Minimum two years of experience in last 5 years, either as self-employed or participating at a world class level in art, culture, recreation, or sport activities 
No minimum education requirements
Ideally between 18 to 50 years
No language requirements 
Points under selection criteria
Must score a minimum of 35 points out of a 100
Medical & Security
Applicants and accompanying family members must undergo medical exams, and provide police certificates 
Must show sufficient funds to demonstrate that you can support yourself and your family to settle in Canada